Spring cleanup and old city celebration – Saturday June 8 in Pawson Park

Cleanup from 10am to 11am

Get outside and clean your yards, boulevards, and streets, mow your lawn, tidy your yard and help a neighbour. Wear a green shirt! If you want to pick up litter in the neighbourhood, come to Pawson Park at 9:45. You’ll get garbage bags, pickers and vests supplied by the city of Nanaimo.

11 am drop off your garbage bag at Pawson Park and return your gear. The City will collect the litter our volunteers have picked up on the streets and alleyways.

11:20 am meet at the White Rabbit Cafe for complimentary coffee/tea to celebrate.

Annual Old City Celebration 2 pm at Pawson Park on Saturday, June 8.

  • 2 pm seed and plant sale/swap.  Come and choose some seeds and plants to beautify our boulevards and alleyways. 
  • 3 pm Fiddle music with Trish and Geoff Horrocks. (Weather dependant as fiddles do not like rain). 
  • Bring plants to trade, sell or gift away. 
  • Artists are welcome to set up a table and sell their work. Set up at 1:30 pm
  • Old city residents who have a business in the old city are welcome to have a table to promote their business. To participate, please join NOCA for only $10!  Pay at the park.

Mark your calendars for Monday October 21 for our Annual General Meeting from 6:30 pm to 8 pm Join us to review our activities of the past year and discuss important factors for our neighborhood. 

Help out your Association – volunteers needed!  We have lots of FUN!

  • Board members
  • Flyer distributors
  • Social media contributor
  • Annual spring clean organizer

Contact us at info@nanaimooldcityassociation.ca

Cornerstone opens on May 1, 2024

BC Housing and Connective Nanaimo (formerly the John Howard Society) are pleased to announce that Cornerstone, the 51 new homes with support services will open May 1, 2024 at 285 Prideaux Street. Residents will begin moving in six or seven a day until everyone is in place. The NOCA Board received a guided tour of the facility and it looks great! For more information visit https://connective.ca/services/prideaux-housing-cornerstone/

News on Cornerstone

Cornerstone is the name of the new 51 unit supportive housing building funded by BC Housing and located at 285 Prideaux Street. Connective Nanaimo is the operator. You can learn about Cornerstone on the Connective website at https://connective.ca/services/prideaux-housing-cornerstone/

The latest news from BC Housing explains their HEARTH program.

“People experiencing homelessness are living in unsafe conditions in encampments throughout multiple communities in British Columbia. To address these challenges, BC Housing is working with partners to provide people living outdoors and in encampments with better access to a range of support services, new shelters, and housing options through new programs funded by the Province under the Belonging in BC Homelessness Plan: Homeless Encampment Action Response Team (HEART) and the Homeless Encampment Action Response Temporary Housing (HEARTH).

The HEARTH model will be used at Cornerstone. BC Housing will “be working with local shelters, with our Coordinated Access and Assessment (CAA) Managers, and the operator to identify the needs of each individual within those shelter facilities in the community to find the right fit for temporary housing. The CAA process is designed to be a thoughtful and intentional way to identify folks whose needs will best be met at the HEARTH site. That’s why for this particular model and this site, we want to ensure that people are ready and that we’re matching people up to their support needs.” You can learn more at: Encampment & Homelessness Response: HEART & HEARTH | BC Housing

It is hoped our new neighbours will begin moving in in March 2024.

Construction begins at 388 Machleary Street

The Molnar Group advised neighbours in early February 2024 that construction has finally begun at 388 Machleary Street! You can learn about Ocean View Senior Living on the Molnar Group website at: http://molnargroup.com/portfolio/ocean-view-seniors-residence/

The Molnar Group send the letter below to the surrounding neighbourhood the first week in February.

Letter from the Molnar Group

Be a Climate Hero in Our Neighbourhood: Join the Thermal Imaging Project for Greener Home Heating!

NOCA successfully applied for a grant from the City of Nanaimo and are now forming a Neighbourhood Climate Action Team. Our focus is on motivating our neighbours to make informed choices about their home heating systems, particularly encouraging the shift to low or zero carbon options. What makes our project stand out is the use of a thermal imaging camera to highlight the energy efficiency of our homes. By working together, we can create a wave of change that not only benefits our local environment but also sets an inspiring example for other communities.

What are the Project Highlights?

1. Use a thermal imaging camera to identify heat loss and inefficiencies in homes.
2. Provide homeowners with an understanding of the impact of their current heating systems and potential energy savings with eco-friendly alternatives, as well as, retrofit rebates, grants and financing possibilities.
3.Organize fun, informative, friendly neighbourhood gatherings to share insights, answer questions, and create a supportive environment for sustainable choices.
4. Document the collective carbon footprint reduction achieved by participants.

Why Join?

1. Learn about thermal imaging technology and its application in promoting energy efficiency.
2. Be a catalyst for positive change in our neighbourhood’s carbon footprint and help our City to reach our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions targets for 2030.
3. Strengthen our community bonds as we work toward a greener future and inspire others to follow suit.
4. Contribute to our documentation of how sustainable our community is becoming.

If you’re interested in being a climate hero in our neighbourhood, please let us know of your availability and thoughts. We hope to have our first neighbourhood gathering in mid-February. Together, let’s make our community a shining example of sustainable living. I am looking forward to the possibility of working with you on this important project.

Shelley Serebrin and the NOCA Board
serebrins@gmail.com  (NOCA Climate Action Team)

Public Safety in the Old City – Who to Call

The City of Nanaimo publishes a brochure on Who To Call in the Old City. The most recent version is November 2022 and can be viewed here.

Community Safety Officers (City of Nanaimo)

Community Safety Officers focus on providing municipal supports and responses to the community and vulnerable citizens on issues including public disorder, homelessness, addictions and mental health challenges. Community Safety Officers (CSOs) conduct highly visible day and nighttime patrols, including bike patrols, throughout the community with emphasis in the downtown area, involving extensive contact and liaison with the business community, first responders, public safety, service organizations and unsheltered citizens. There are 11 officers who work in teams of 2 or 3 per shift. They work 7 days a week (NOT statutory holidays), 7 am to 10 pm.

CSOs engage with vulnerable citizens including people experiencing homelessness, addiction and mental health concerns to assist in the coordination of appropriate social, health and enforcement responses.
CSOs address contraventions of bylaws, incidents of public disorder and assist people in need, with an emphasis on voluntary compliance strategies, including referrals to services, mediation, public education, warnings, restorative justice and alternate dispute resolution.

Bylaw, Regulation & Community Safety (City of Nanaimo)

To Report (Downtown Core):

  • Downtown parking issues
  • Aggressive panhandling downtown
  • Encampment activity downtown
  • Safety matters on downtown public property
  • Downtown Bylaw matters (noise, unsightly, nuisance activities)
  • Connecting individuals in need to services

Monday to Friday (8:00 am to 4:30 pm)
Call 250-755-4422
Evenings and weekends
Call 250-758-5222


To Report (Outside Downtown Core Bylaw Infractions):

  • Parking
  • Traffic
  • Noise
  • Encampment Activity
  • Unsightly Properties
  • Nuisance Properties

Monday to Friday (8:00 am to 4:30 pm)
Call 250-755-4422
Evenings and weekends:
Call 250-758-5222 


Public Works

To Report:

  • Discarded Needles on Public Property and for information on the proper disposal of discarded needles on private property
  • Garbage or Litter on City Property
  • Overflowing City Garbage Bins
  • Other After Hour City Matters

Please call or email:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Nanaimo Fire Rescue

To Report:

  • Burning Complaints
  • Burning Permits
  • Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Detector Information
  • General Fire Safety Information

Please call:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

RCMP: How to Report Crime

There are now multiple ways to report:

  • Suspicious or Illegal Activity
  • Crime after it has occurred
  • Lost, Stolen or Found Items
  • Security Matters

To learn more about reporting options, please visit the RCMP’s Online Reporting Tool page or their homepage

Please call:
Non-Emergency Assistance: 250-754-2345 – 24 Hours

The Vancouver Island Crisis Line

24-hour Crisis Line Service


Island Health

Nanaimo Mental Health & Substance Use

COR (Community Outreach Response):

  • Mobile Crisis Response via Crisis Line – 1-888-494-3888
  • Homelessness Outreach Response via Team Cell 250-741-7645

Information on Safe Handling for Needles


Street Reach (Canadian Mental Health Association Mid-Island) – 250-716-8823

Poison Control 1-800-567-8911

2023/2024 Board elected

The following were elected at our Annual General Meeting on October 17 to serve as your Board of Directors for 2023/2024.

Joy Adams Bauer, President
Brian Booth, Director
Mayta Ryn, Vice-President
Barbara Schreiber, Treasurer
Shelley Serebrin, Director

AGM – Mark your calendar

Tuesday, October 17 at 6:30 PMSt. Andrew’s United Church on Wesley Street

Learn about what your Association has been up to in the past year and get involved! Renew your yearly membership. Membership is $10 (individual) or $20 (family). Pay by e-transfer to president@nanaimooldcityassociation.ca or pay at the door.

Guest speakers – Community Service Officers Shannon Moore and Adam Collishaw – will speak about safety on our streets.

Silent auction from 6:30 pm to 7 pm. Bid on gift certificates from Old City Quarter Businesses and support NOCA!

Meeting starts at 7 pm. See you there!

Celebration in the park – September 23

Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 23! We are planning a party to celebrate how much we love living in the old city. Join us in Pawson Park (corner of Franklyn and Machleary Streets) from 1 to 3 pm.

Bring lunch or a snack to enjoy.

Listen to the musical stylings of Hip Billy.

Participate in our plant and seed exchange. Renew your NOCA membership

Learn about ways to retrofit your home. Bring your e-bikes! Let’s have lots of fun with our neighbours! We LOVE living in the old city!

Giant Hogweed – it’s in the ‘hood

Giant Hogweed

Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is a member of the parsley or carrot family, Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). As its name indicates it is characterized by its size and may grow to 15 to 20 feet in height.

Giant hogweed is a tenacious perennial, which is difficult to eradicate. It is currently on the federal noxious weed list. Its placement on the list is due to its potential menace as a public health hazard. It has been spotted in various locations in the old city.

If you spot small giant hogweed plants, they can be dug-out, but care should be taken to remove much of the root stalk. This can be difficult and unpleasant. Always wear protective clothing and avoid getting the sap on your skin. Mowing serves only to stimulate budding on the perennating root stalk, but might be successful if done consistently and persistently enough to starve the rootstalk. If you find a large plant, please call the City of Nanaimo Parks Maintenance at 250-755-7515 and report to the Horticultural officer Susan Zaric. You can find more information by reading this short information sheet from the City of Nanaimo.

Let’s work to rid our neighbourhood of this pesky and troublesome plant.