Let’s Celebrate!

Saturday, May 28 from 1 to 4 pm at Pawson Gyro Park. Join us to celebrate our first Beautify the Boulevards and Alleyways! Everyone is welcome to come and share their experience of how their beautification went, what they learned and how to improve for next year. Participants are welcome to share their gardening methods, plants that are important to them and methods of gardening significant to their culture.  Contact us to book your spot to speak at the wrap up or simply show up on the day. Neighbours are encouraged to bring seeds/plants significant to you to give away trade or sell. We will be handing out free seed packets for boulevard beautification. We would love to hear your ideas, and welcome volunteers and resources. Contact the committee  : info@nanaimooldcityassociation.ca
Thank you to the group of neighbours who started this project and the Nanaimo Foundation and neighbourhood small grants for the grant.

New seed library in the ‘hood!

Guess what just popped up in the neighbourhood? A lovely little seed library on the 100 block of Milton Street. You can pick a packet of seeds or even a seedling. Feel free to donate any small plants you’d like to share with your neighbours.

Old City Cleanup Party

Mark your calendars for the second annual “Old City Clean Up” on Saturday, April 30 from 10 am to 3 pm. Get outside and clean your yards, boulevards, and streets. Mow your lawn, pick up garbage, tidy your yard and help a neighbour. Take a before & after photo and tag us!

Meet up at the White Rabbit Cafe (321 Selby Street) at 3:30 pm to celebrate!

Garbage bags and pickers are available from 10 am to 11 am at Pawson Park.(corner of Machleary and Franklyn Streets). Garbage bags can be dropped off opposite Pawson Park at old hospital site before 3 pm. Garbage will be removed by the City of Nanaimo at 3 pm sharp!

Thank you to the City of Nanaimo Local Government for our garbage bag donation and pick up.

Beautify the Boulevards and Alleyways in the old city!

Join us on Sunday, March 13, 2022 from 1 to 4 pm at Pawson Park (corner of Franklyn and Machleary streets) as we kick off this new project!

What does a beautiful neighbourhood look like?
You may have noticed some of our fellow Old City area residents have made gardens on the street side
of their homes. We’d like to help you do the same. NOCA has formed a committee to help you develop a small garden near your home. This could be in the strip between the sidewalk and the curb, within a traffic calming ‘bump out’ like those along the 300 and 400 blocks of Milton Street, or any roadside green space you would like to transform.
We can offer design help, examples of current boulevard gardens, seeds, plants, gardening tips, and manual labour to get you started. Contact us if you live in the old city and would like a free seed package with various plants to start beautifying your boulevard. Packages will be handed out March 13.
Your ideal boulevard planting might include drought resistant, food, ornamental, or pollinator attracting plants, or a combination. Learn more by coming to our project kick off on Sunday, March 13, 2022.
Would you like to share gardening methods, plants that are important to you and methods of gardening significant to your culture? Contact us to book your spot to speak at our Kick off March 13. Neighbors are encouraged to bring seeds/plants significant to you to give away trade or sell.
Thank you to the Nanaimo Foundation and neighborhood small grants for the grant to start this project.
We will have a gathering on May 28 for all participants to share about their experience. We would love to hear your ideas, and welcome volunteers and resources. Contact the committee on facebook or email us at : info@nanaimooldcityassociation.ca
Learn more about boulevard beautification with our guide.
City of Nanaimo requests for this project:
– Notify the city of your boulevard location
– You the residents are responsible for maintenance of your boulevards
– Anything planted or placed will technically become City property, so if necessary, at some point could be removed or altered
– The responsibility is on the residents to know of the location of any underground services before digging or planting
–  Participants must not dig, disturb or pile excessive materials in the critical root zone of City boulevard trees

– Plants chosen should not obstruct visibility of roads. 

If you  would like to have a tree planted in these landscapes, please notify the city by contacting Patrick McIntosh, the Urban Forestry Coordinator at the City of Nanaimo at 250 755 4460 (local 4357)
patrick.mcintosh@nanaimo.ca If 
you are willing to enter a watering agreement the city could have a tree purchased and planted for you. 

Community Safety – who to call

Have you wondered who to call for various issues in your neighbourhood?  For example when should you call Bylaw Services, Public Works or Nanaimo Animal Control?

This City of Nanaimo brochure provides lots of very useful information.

New Animal Responsibility Bylaw

Did you know Nanaimo has a new Animal Responsibility Bylaw?  Be a good neighbour and familiarize yourself with the Bylaw by reading this Fast Facts Brochure.

NOCA is taking an educational role and spreading the word.  Talk with your neighbours and let’s continue to make the old city the best place to live in Nanaimo!

Board elected for 2021-2022

A new Board of Directors was elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Monday, October 18 at 7 pm via Zoom.  Congratulations to the following folks who volunteered to sit on the Board and guide the activities of NOCA in the coming year:

Joy Adams Bauer
Diane Caldwell-Demon
Erin Chaba
Anna Mosolov
Mayta Ryn
Shelley Serebrin
Barbara Schreiber

Have you renewed your membership yet?  It’s only $10.  Please support your neighbourhood association.

Membership Application


Fall Cleanup!

On Saturday, October 2, we are inviting all old city residents to participate in a fall cleanup of their immediate neighbourhood. Let’s continue to take pride in the wonderful old city and walk our block and alleyway picking up litter.   Feel free to do more than just your block!  Interact with your neighbours from a safe distance and get some fresh air and exercise!

Development Permit approved for 388 Machleary Street

A Development Permit for 388 Machleary Street, to allow for a seniors’ congregate housing development, was approved by Nanaimo City Council on August 30, 2021.  The site is zoned for this type of development.